Invited Session
Technical papers on the aspects related to (but not limited to) those in the topics of interest are invited for oral presentation. Length of the full paper is limited within 4 pages (max). The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with at least five manuscripts on a well-defined subject of current interest. If you are interested in this, please email us the title of the session, the name and full contact details of the session organizer, and a list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and the corresponding author of each paper. All papers in invited sessions will be subject to review and assessment by the Program committee.
(IV1) Applications of Power Electronics, Energy, Consumer Electronics, and Communication System
Session description
In this session, we only welcome the invited papers, which are highly related to the topics as follows:
1. Switching Power Supply
2. Consumer Electronics
3. Applications of Power Converters
4. Energy Management and Control
5. Applications of Sensor, Communication, and Network
6. Applications of Optoelectronics
7. Applications of Renewable Energy Systems
8. Smart Lighting Systems
Session Chairman
Prof. Chih-Lung Shen and Prof. Yu-Shan Liang
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Invited Papers Only
(IV2) Intelligent Education and Learning on Application
Session description
The Invited section which has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of intelligence education for teaching, development, instruction, educational projects, and innovations, learning methodologies and new technologies in education and learning applications. The focus and scope of smart education learn includes the following topics:
1. Career Development and Training in Education and Learning
2. Experiences in Education and Learning
3. Experiences in Education and Learning Research
4. International Projects in Education and Learning
5. Pedagogical Innovations in Education and Learning
6. General Issues in Education and Learning
7. Computer Supported Collaborative Work
8. E-content Management and Development
9. Educational Software and Application
10. E-Learning
11. Emerging Technologies in Education
12. Others
Session Chairman
Prof. Jih-Fu Tu
LungHwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Open for Submission
(IV3) Innovative Architecture and Civil Engineering Design
Session description
This session aims to bring together researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of architecture and civil engineering studies.
We also welcome the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in the field.
Session Chairman
Prof. Zuorong Dong, Prof. Zhiyong Ouyang, and Prof. Wei-Ling Hsu
School of Civil Engineering, Jiaying University, China
Open for Submission